On January 30 2024, Universitas Muhammadiyah Gresik sent 15 students to Thailand to carry out an international internship and community service program in Yala, Thailand which will be converted into a KKN and PLP 2 program. They will carry out these activities in 5 schools, namely Nibongchanupathum School, Lukmanulhakeem School, Bantalohalo School, Fhisrinthon School, and Chitphakdiwittaya Krongpinang school.

Arriving in Thailand on January 31 2024, the opening ceremony was held at Nibongchanupathum School which was attended by the Principal of the school where the students would be staying, as well as the Head of international relationship office, Paulina, M.Pd.

Principal of Nibongchanupathum School, Mr. Abdulromae Kari-uma said in his speech said in his speech that he welcomed the arrival of UMG students very well, other principals also did the same thing. They hope that the arrival of these UMG students can make a positive contribution to each school.

This program is expected to provide valuable experience for UMG students in gaining knowledge and interacting with the international community. Apart from that, students who carry out this program hope to be able to learn and exchange different and unusual experiences

By No Comment 22 April 2024