About BIPA

The International Relations Office is an institution that supports the University of Muhammadiyah Gresik (UMG) in serving students by providing BIPA support. With the existence of BIPA, it accommodates the need for an understanding of language and culture so that good communication can be established in business and socially. Seeing the need to build greater understanding between Indonesians and foreigners, IRO offers the BIPA (Indonesian for Foreign Speakers) Program. Permendikbud No. 27 of 2017, BIPA is one of the desired language course programs. Based on the purpose of the national language as an international language and to meet the needs of employees or students to learn Indonesian BIPA is a learning program for Indonesian language skills (speaking, writing, reading, and listening) for speakers and BIPA aims to introduce Indonesian language and culture to foreigners who want to live in Indonesia. This BIPA program is studied by all Darmasiswa RI students studying at 46 to 59 universities in Indonesia. Every year there are around 700 foreign students from 77 countries who study arts, culture, and Indonesian language as well as other fields of tourism and hospitality and of course BIPA also helps prospective foreign students of the Indonesian Islamic University to prepare themselves to interact and communicate with Indonesian, both in the classroom and in daily activities.

Advantages of BIPA

The BIPA program is designed to:

  1. Improve speaking skills in various daily contexts.
  2. Practice using Indonesian in a variety of formal contexts.
  3. Develop participants’ insight into Indonesian culture.
  4. Build motivation through varied and fun learning activities.


Learning methods are adapted to the latest trends in language teaching for adult learners. Learning activities in the classroom consist of various activities aimed at helping participants achieve learning objectives in stages. Through individual and group activities, participants will learn the vocabulary, expressions, grammar, and pronunciation, which are necessary to communicate with various interlocutors and situations. The practice is gradual and continuous, will build the participants’ confidence in speaking.


4 levels including 4 language skills, i.e. listening, speaking, reading, and writing.

  1. Level 1 (Dasar)
  2. Level 2 (Pra Madya)
  3. Level 3 (Madya)
  4. Level 4 (Mahir)