On April 2 2024, After carrying out international internship and community service in Yala, Thailand for 2 months, 15 students from the Universitas Muhammadiyah Gresik from the English language department have now returned to Indonesia. While undergoing this program, 15 students were spread across 5 schools, namely Nibongchanupathum School, Ban Talohalo School, Fishrinton School, Lukmanulhakeem School and Chitpakdhiwittaya School. they all teach English.
The teachers also accompanied them to return to Indonesia. Since their arrival, the representatives of them have attended pre-departure orientation to help introduce the environment and their daily activities to the next international interns. They said that their presence was very well received there. Apart from that, they also share their experiences teaching in other countries. With student conditions that are different from students in Indonesia.